Welcome to the Bay House Family

Education Program

Our educational programs are reflective of an emergent curriculum and adhere to guidelines set by ACECQA, National Quality Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework. Our centre is committed to maintaining continuous improvement, best practice, and quality outcomes as per the National Quality Standards. Current research, theories and understanding are considered and applied in context of our early education centre, through a process on on-going critical reflection.

The rights and best interests of the child underpin all practice. We believe that children are successful, competent, and capable learners who are given opportunities to construct their own understanding, contribute to the learning of others, and participate in decisions that affect them. Educators respond to child-initiated ideas and play, use intentional teaching, adaptive and stimulating environments to scaffold play and extend children’s learning.

Children are supported to become environmentally responsible by teaching them the significance, and future impact by caring for and protecting their environment. Sustainable practices are embedded in everyday learning and empower children to take action.

We believe in a holistic and inclusive approach to caring for, supporting, and educating our children. We recognise children and families reflect diverse backgrounds and equal access ensures there will be no barriers for children to participate in our program. This practice fosters a community of respect and appreciation, where diversity is valued and celebrated.  

We recognise and value the significance of the traditional owners of the land, The Quandamooka people. We endeavour to raise awareness, commit to teaching children to acknowledge, respect and care for the land of our local traditional owners of the land and extended Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.