Welcome to the Bay House Family

Junior Kindy 3-4 years

19 Children - 2 Educators

Play based learning

Evidence shows that children learn best through play. Our play based curriculum supports this research, allowing children to develop their skills in fun and meaningful way. When children play together and interact with adults, they create relationships, test out ideas, challenge each other’s thinking and build new understandings.

Nurture creativity through art and dramatic play

Children have natural creativity and artistic instinct. Theory suggests when children explore artistic practice and creative thinking, they generally have stronger outcomes in other subjects, such as science and math. Our Educators supporting creativity and self-expression. Dramatic play helps children learn real life skills and social skills. Music, dramatic play and art develops each child’s sense of identity.

Group learning

We will support children to participate in group learning. It will allow our Junior Kindy children to develop new social and cognitive skills while interacting and working together. It encourages cooperation, conversation, compromise, and problem-solving as they work together to reach a shared goal.






Jnr Kindy

Jnr Kindy

